The importance of recruitment and selection and making the ‘right’ decision
The need for evidence
2. Legal aspects of recruitment
Overview of equal opportunity and other relevant legislation
Recruitment law quiz
Practical implications for managers
3. The process
An overview of your organization’s recruitment process
Key stages
Assessing the vacancy
Preparing effective job descriptions
Identifying knowledge, skills and behaviors required
Understanding competencies
Preparing effective person specifications
Advertising the vacancy
Short-listing against your selection criteria
4. Selection methods
Understanding and using different selection methods
The interview – exploring common beliefs about interviewing
How to ensure objectivity
5. Preparing for interview
How to prepare for the interview
Effective questions that search for evidence against your criteria
Exercise: preparing competency/behavioral based behavioral questions
Questions to avoid
Other practical considerations
6. Interviewing techniques
How to structure an interview
Interviewing skills
Looking for STAR answers
Controlling the interview and closing the interview
Note-taking and maintaining records
7. Interviewing skills practice
Participants prepare for and conduct an interview in small groups
Feedback and building on this learning
8. Evaluating candidates and making the right decision
Objective decision-making
Recording the decision
Communicating the decision
Next steps
9. Putting it into practice – investigations
As a group, participants will prepare and conduct an investigation into an alleged incident in order to build knowledge, skill and confidence in this area.
10. And finally…
Action planning – identifying how participants will transfer this learning into the workplace and what else they may need which will help them to do this effectively