Big Data Hadoop
Best Training Institute for Hadoop...
Big Data and Hadoop Introduction
TekNavigators is best training institute in lucknow which provides training on Hadoop.
- What is Big Data and Hadoop?
- Challenges of Big Data
- Traditional approach Vs Hadoop
- Hadoop Architecture
- Distributed Model
- Block structure File System
- Technologies supporting Big Data
- Replication
- Fault Tolerance
- Why Hadoop?
- Hadoop Eco-System
- Use cases of Hadoop
- Fundamental Design Principles of Hadoop
- Comparison of Hadoop Vs RDBMS
Understand Hadoop Cluster Architecture
- Hadoop Cluster and Architecture
- 5 Daemons
- Hands-On Exercise
- Typical Workflow
- Hands-On Exercise
- Writing Files to HDFS
- Hands-On Exercise
- Reading Files from HDFS
- Hands-On Exercise
- Rack Awareness
- Before Map Reduce
Map Reduce Concepts
- Map Reduce Concepts
- What is Map Reduce?
- Why Map Reduce?
- Map Reduce in real world and Map Reduce Flow
- What is Mapper, Reducer, and Shuffling?
- Word Count Problem
- Hands-On Exercise
- Distributed Word Count Flow and Solution
- Log Processing and Map Reduce
- Hands-On Exercise
Advanced Map Reduce Concepts
- What is Combiner?
- Hands-On Exercise
- What is Partitioner?
- Hands-On Exercise
- What is Counter?
- Hands-On Exercise
- InputFormats/Output Formats
- Hands-On Exercise
- Map Join using MR
- Hands-On Exercise
- Reduce Join using MR
- Hands-On Exercise
- MR Distributed Cache
- Hands-On Exercise
- Using sequence files & images with MR
- Hands-On Exercise
- Planning for Cluster & Hadoop 2.0 Yarn
- Configuration of Hadoop
- Choosing Right Hadoop Hardware and Software?
- Hadoop Log Files?
Hadoop 2.0 and YARN
- Hadoop 1.0 Challenges
- NN Scalability, SPOF, and HA
- Job Tracker Challenges
- Hadoop 2.0 New Features
- Hadoop 2.0 Cluster Architecture & Federation
- Hadoop 2.0 HA
- Yarn & Hadoop Ecosystem
- Yarn MR Application Flow
- Introduction to Pig
- What Is Pig?
- Pig’s Features & Pig Use Cases
- Interacting with Pig
- Basic Data Analysis with Pig
- Hands-On Exercise
- Pig Latin Syntax
- Loading Data
- Hands-On Exercise
- Simple Data Types
- Field Definitions
- Data Output
- Viewing the Schema
- Hands-On Exercise
- Filtering and Sorting Data
- Hands-On Exercise
- Commonly-Used Functions
- Hands-On Exercise: Pig for ETL Processing
- Processing Complex Data with Pig
- Hands-On Exercise
- Storage Formats
- Complex/Nested Data Types
- Hands-On Exercise
- Grouping
- Hands-On Exercise
- Built-in Functions for Complex Data
- Hands-On Exercise
- Iterating Grouped Data
- Hands-On Exercises
- Multi-Dataset Operations with Pig
- Hands-On Exercise
- Techniques for Combining Data Sets
- Joining Data Sets in Pig
- Hands-On Exercise
- Splitting Data Sets
- Hands-On Exercise
- Hive Fundamentals and Architecture
- Loading and Querying Data in Hive
- Hands-On Exercise
- Hive Architecture and Installation
- Comparison with Traditional Database
- HiveQL: Data Types, Operators and Functions
- Hands-On Exercise
- Hive Tables, Managed Tables and External Tables
- Hands-On Exercise
- Partitions and Buckets
- Hands-On Exercise
- Storage Formats, Importing Data, Altering Tables, Dropping Tables
- Hands-On Exercise
- Querying Data, Sorting and Aggregating, Map Reduce Scripts
- Hands-On Exercise
- Joins & Sub queries, Views
- Hands-On Exercise
- Integration, Data manipulation with Hive
- Hands-On Exercise
- User Defined Functions
- Hands-On Exercise
- Appending Data into existing Hive Table
- Hands-On Exercise
- Static partitioning vs dynamic partitioning
- Hands-On Exercise
- CAP Theorem
- HBase Architecture and concepts
- Introduction to HBase
- Client API’s and their features
- HBase tables The ZooKeeper Service
- Data Model, Operations
- Programming and Hands on Exercises
- Introduction to Sqoop
- MySQL Client & server
- Connecting to relational data base using Sqoop
- Importing data using Sqoop from Mysql
- Exporting data using Sqoop to MySql
- Incremental append
- Importing data using Sqoop from Mysql to hive
- Exporting data using Sqoop to MySql from hive
- Importing data using Sqoop from Mysql to hbase
- Using queries and sqoop
Flume and Oozie
- What is Flume?
- Why use Flume, Architecture, configurations
- Master, collector, Agent
- Twitter Data Sentimental Analysis project
- Oozie
- What is Oozie, Architecture, configurations?
- Oozie Job Submission
- Oozie properties
- Hands-on exercises
- Social Media Final Project
- Hadoop Project
- Objective
- Problem Definition
- Solution
- Discuss datasets and specifications of the project
Project in Healthcare Domain
- Hadoop Project in Healthcare
- Objective
- Problem Definition
- Solution
- Discuss datasets and specifications of the project